Closing Considerations March 23, 2020
As an essential service, we will continue to provide purchase and refinance settlements for buyers and borrowers in New Jersey for as long as we can. We have some new requirements that may vary from our prior practice, that are necessary, and your understanding is greatly appreciated.
- To the greatest extent possible, all closings must occur in our offices, where we have better control over the number of people in attendance, the length of time they spend in our facilities, and disinfection routines.
- The number of attendees at closings must be the bare minimum necessary to consummate the transaction. Buyer/borrowers, buyer’s attorneys, lenders and our closers only. All other parties shall receive correspondence and disbursements once the closing has concluded.
- Social distancing must be practiced at all times and by all parties in our offices. This includes parties attending to sign documents and their attorney.
- We can not permit people to wait for a scheduled closing in our waiting areas. If your closing is delayed because we are waiting for lender confirmation, a bank wire, or other circumstances, we will ask you to wait in your car and we will call you when the closing is ready to commence. Likewise, if you are early for your closing, please wait in your car until the scheduled time. To save yourself the walk, call into the office, advise that you are in the parking lot and ready for closing, and our closer will let you know if they are ready to proceed or call you back when settlement is ready to commence.
We understand that this is a very stressful time for everyone. It is our desire to make the closings safe for everyone involved. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. We will make every effort to continue to be of service while still protecting our employees and our customers alike.